About Me

My Personal Shrine

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Who am I ?

Please call me Kama.

I am a teenage student who is studying in London. I am very friendly and affectionate. I have a beautiful smile and I like to laugh. I also like to meet new people.

I am a size 8, with a  slender build. My skin is soft and a brown sugar colour. I have small firm breasts and I am always clean shaven. I do not smoke or drink. I do not use drugs.

I enjoy sex with men. I am also a sexually submissive person and so I also enjoy being with men who like being dominant.

My greatest wish is to ensure the sexual pleasure of the men with whom I meet.

I practice a form of the Devadasi religion so giving sexual pleasure to men is a part of my religious faith, visit my personal shrine to learn more about why I want to serve you

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