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Please contact me using this contact form.

Please give me explicit instructions on how to contact you. i.e. What name I should  ask for when I call you. I will normally represent my call as being from PLC consultants in regards to the London Conference.

Please be explicit about where and when you would like to meet me. i.e. in-call or out-call ( if out-call give a location)

If you need further details about any service or other matter, please supply me with a contact email address.

Please complete the contact form and send it to me, I will usually reply within 30 minutes. Out-call clients must provide me with a land-line number for me to return their call. If you are in a Hotel please supply your room number as well.

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 Please contact me as soon as possible (please only use this button if you want to book me at at less than 4 hours notice.)

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